The First Commandment is to Love our Lord, and the second is to Love His Kids.
Love is not only a mushy feeling. In fact, I would say feeling Love for another is not what the command is asking of us. Love is an action word. Love is putting others first, even ahead of ourselves. Love is putting their desires ahead of our own.
The Father thought of us when He sent His one and only Son. His love for us cost Him. Jesus put us ahead of Himself when He chose the Cross. His love for us cost Him. I have recently asked myself "How expensive has my love for Christ been? What has it cost me?"
In Hosea we read about how God's Bride was adulterous. Spiritually, we can have other lovers, and we know how unacceptable that is in earthly marriages. Spiritual lovers are anything that we love more than Christ; it's anything we choose to put in "first" place. He has asked me to do a few things His way, and I have responded by continuing to do what feeds my desires. I haven't put Him first. My desires are known to Him, and He wants those desires to be gone. If my desire is to Love Him first, then I will obey Him.
Spiritual lovers can be anything; food, money, material things, coffee, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, earthly relationships, knowledge, spiritual gifts, earthly position, anything! Be willing to lay it down if He asks. Be willing to Love Him First.
In my heart I want to know that I love Jesus more than junk food. So far, I have put my desires first. I can put Him first for a short time, for example a time of fasting, but the desires in my heart have never been overcome. Just because I have not "seen my lover" does not mean I have fallen out of love with it. And that's what God wants! If Jody was in love with another woman, it would not be enough that he didn't see her, I would require him to stop loving her. I require him to love me, and only me.
Some times I wonder if the battle is real; that's the biggest struggle. In those times I need to be honest with myself. I enjoy junk food only in the moment; I use it for emotional reasons. Here's a confession: I have never been to a baby shower to celebrate the baby! I go to eat. I have never gone to a church pot luck to spend time with my church family, I go to eat. If there was no food, I would not be drawn to go. Junk Food comes before people! And the years of struggle proves that I don't put God first either. (A Turkey dinner, for example, is all about people. I attend these meals to be with others because I'm not in love with normal healthy food. I don't yearn for turkey, roast beef, etc. It's Junk Food that I think about.)
I feel like God is saying that "it's time" to overcome. I have joined Weight Watchers so I have to be accountable to someone. The WW program does not work well for Junk Food eaters because Junk does not satisfy and it costs too much in WW Points. So continuing with Junk will leave me feeling hungry all the time (a spiritual picture also). For anyone who is able to eat good healthy food, following WW will leave you satisfied (unlike other diets).
My ultimate goal is to fall out of love with Junk, and in love with Christ.
This is my desire, to honor You.
Lord with all my heart
I worship You
Lord, I give you my heart
I give you my soul
I live for you alone
Every breath that I take
every moment I'm awake
Lord have Your way in me.
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