Thursday, December 30, 2010


Mammon is the money god; the other provider; the unloving provider; the counterfeit. Mammon could have been the one at the tree of Life who said to Eve, "Oh yes you can have that! You can have it all Babe"; (that's a tiny paraphrase. ☺) She got her eye on what she wanted (not what/who she needed), and knew she was going to disobey God; but would worry about that later.

The Father is our Perfect Provider. He Provides what we need and sometimes it's not what we want. Sometimes we want something that He thinks we shouldn't have. That's when Mammon steps in with: "I can provide that for you. You can have it if you come to me."

Are we seeking mammon every time we use credit? If God is our Provider then shouldn't we be seeking Him out when we want something? But we don't. We turn to the credit card and we put ourselves in debt and we hurt ourselves by gaining something that our real God didn't provide. Often we don't even know if He would provide it or not, cause we don't give Him the chance.

Our kids do not need lines of credit; we provide everything they need. I would never see Mystie or Sarah go without anything; not only their needs but also their desires. Imagine your kids going to someone else for their needs or desires? Yet I turn to banks and credit card companies before I seek my real Provider. Why? Cause I'm like Eve.

I guess it all comes down to believing and trusting in our Provider. Do we really believe He will provide? Is Jesus stingy? History proves that He's quite generous. He knows we have hockey tournaments, and mortgage payments.

He knows what we need; the problem is, we don't.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Let's get naked

Joh 4:9 The Samaritan woman said to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

Joh 4:25 The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us."
Joh 4:26 Then Jesus declared, "I, the one speaking to you—I am he."

Joh 4:27 Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, "What do you want?" or "Why are you talking with her?"
Joh 4:28 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people,
Joh 4:29 "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?"
Joh 4:30 They came out of the town and made their way toward him.

The woman at the well had an encounter with God's grace. She did not hide her sin; she did not try to explain it or justify it; she stood before Jesus and admitted her guilt. She walked away refreshed and clean! He provided what she needed; Love, acceptance, and forgiveness. He loved the sinful woman who was standing before Him.

We (the Body) need to encounter Christ this way! Is the church full of sinners who have stood at the well themselves? I mostly see people who have learned to play the Christian part to a tee. We speak of our disciplines and wisdom, but I don't want to know about that stuff anymore! I want to know about the time when it was YOU at the well and how you encountered Jesus. I want to know how you fell short and Jesus loved you and accepted you anyway.

Not only is our falseness hiding Christ from the world, but it's keeping the Church captive. Listen, Let's take off our falseness and stand before the One who truly loves us. Let's get naked before our Lover. Stand there naked, ( just as you are) and see if you are accepted and loved; you won't be disappointed.

Only when we have received will we be able to give.

Monday, December 20, 2010

quenching my thirst

There are earthly things that we can indulge in that will actually dull our hunger for the things of God. Indulging in lust hinders our hunger for true intimacy, for example.

There was a pastor who visited our church this summer, and he claimed that the Bride is drinking (alcohol) in excess. That there is a rise in drinking in these times. I know it's true. Makes me wonder why we're drinking. Twice now I have gotten really drunk, and truly I can't understand why, because it's not a desire of mine. Also, it wasn't a desire in the moment or a concrete conscious decision. I guess there will be skeptics reading this, but I'm trying to be as honest as I can. Both nights were so much fun; something that we've been lacking in these recent years. Both nights included much fellowship and laughing; again something that has been lacking in the recent years.

Are we that dry in the Spirit that we are turning to the counterfeit? There has been much said about "the new wine", but there are so many of us who are asking "how much longer Lord?" I so desire the fun, the laughing, the fellowship, and the sharing.

Can drinking alcohol in excess actually dull my desire for the "New Wine"? Could that be the strategy of the enemy at this time? Are we giving up on the Promises of God? Even just a little? Are we settling for something less?

I know I'm sick of waiting, but I will wait longer, and I will be more careful not to dull my desire along the way. He will Come!


I want to add this because it's really important. I didn't encounter condemnation, guilt, or shame after my decision. God is so loving; He's actually teaching me through these things. I'm not beating myself up, but I'm not being naive either. The hangover is proof enough; that much alcohol is not good for me! LOL "

Thursday, December 16, 2010

J.D. My Prophetic Dog.

We bought J.D. on January 1st 2010; almost a year ago. What a year it has been!

I quit my job at the beginning of February, and that's really when the prophetic journey began. I would get the kids ready for school and when the bus was leaving, J.D. and I would venture into the buttercup trails. He was so small back then.

I received so much pleasure from watching him jump and leap in the snow. He loved the freedom of walking without a leash. The winter created trails that he could not venture from, so I didn't have to worry about him running off into the bush.

It didn't take J.D. long before he was quite familiar with the trails. He soon became comfortable and would run a little farther away from me. The hard part was at the end, when I had to get him back on the leash. He never wanted to loose his freedom, but I knew it was unsafe for him to walk on the roads without a leash.

I would watch J.D. run ahead so I couldn't catch him. I sensed that God was speaking to me. I desired to walk with my puppy, to play with him and enjoy him during our special time, but he was too busy lapping up his freedom. Still, I enjoyed watching him run, jump, and discover nature. I looked forward to our time in the trails.

Spring time kinda ruined everything. The trails were muddy and wet, so we had to come up with a different plan. Jody and I started taking him out on Government road. We would drive and J.D. would run beside us. The hard part was getting him back into the vehicle. And what we didn't know, was J.D. was becoming comfortable with the road and he didn't fear the dangers of the new path.

When things started drying up, I attempted to take him back into the buttercup trails but he was too big and fast. I couldn't get him back on the leash, and getting him home was a disaster. Instead, we ventured onto a different route; Heart Lake. The area was perfect; no other cars, the scenery is beautiful, and there's lots of water for a thirsty dog. And, we learned a secret: J.D. would get in the car to rest once he was EXHAUSTED. Finally, we knew how to get him.

Heart lake is swarming with rabbits; a dream place for a rabbit dog! Once he catches a smell, there's no stopping him. That's exactly what happened in July. We thought we lost him forever. We called out to him for 4 hours, but he didn't come to us. We had to leave our puppy in the dark rainy bush and go home.

At 2am I herd a dog whine at my bedroom window. "J.D.!" I said, and I ran to the door. It was him! He made it home. I wondered if he would ever take off on us again. We stopped going out to Heart Lake.

We were spending the night at the camp for Sarah's birthday. Sarah and I were meeting Jody and Mystie out there. As we came around the corner our free running J.D. was there, in the curve. He didn't fear our car and he jumped right in front of it. I thought I killed him, but it turned out I only popped his hip out of place. That stopped our walks altogether for about 6-8 weeks.

We started teaching J.D. to come when we call him by rewarding him with hotdogs. We started in the house and then outside. It didn't take long for him to learn the routine; walk, then come to the car and get a hotdog.

Two weeks ago I didn't have a hotdog. I called and called but he just looked at me. I got out of the car and kept calling to him and pointing at the opened car door. I had his attention, but I could tell the command was not computing. Then all of a sudden I saw it click. His ears perked up and he ran full blast at the car and jumped in. I wondered if it was a fluke, but it wasn't! J.D. knows what we want him to do, and whats even more awesome is that he wants to do it!

I has taken a full year, but J.D. knows our voice and hears our commands. He trusts us and desires to obey. We are his masters, and we adore that little guy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love- the ultimate action

The First Commandment is to Love our Lord, and the second is to Love His Kids.

Love is not only a mushy feeling. In fact, I would say feeling Love for another is not what the command is asking of us. Love is an action word. Love is putting others first, even ahead of ourselves. Love is putting their desires ahead of our own.

The Father thought of us when He sent His one and only Son. His love for us cost Him. Jesus put us ahead of Himself when He chose the Cross. His love for us cost Him. I have recently asked myself "How expensive has my love for Christ been? What has it cost me?"

In Hosea we read about how God's Bride was adulterous. Spiritually, we can have other lovers, and we know how unacceptable that is in earthly marriages. Spiritual lovers are anything that we love more than Christ; it's anything we choose to put in "first" place. He has asked me to do a few things His way, and I have responded by continuing to do what feeds my desires. I haven't put Him first. My desires are known to Him, and He wants those desires to be gone. If my desire is to Love Him first, then I will obey Him.

Spiritual lovers can be anything; food, money, material things, coffee, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, earthly relationships, knowledge, spiritual gifts, earthly position, anything! Be willing to lay it down if He asks. Be willing to Love Him First.

In my heart I want to know that I love Jesus more than junk food. So far, I have put my desires first. I can put Him first for a short time, for example a time of fasting, but the desires in my heart have never been overcome. Just because I have not "seen my lover" does not mean I have fallen out of love with it. And that's what God wants! If Jody was in love with another woman, it would not be enough that he didn't see her, I would require him to stop loving her. I require him to love me, and only me.

Some times I wonder if the battle is real; that's the biggest struggle. In those times I need to be honest with myself. I enjoy junk food only in the moment; I use it for emotional reasons. Here's a confession: I have never been to a baby shower to celebrate the baby! I go to eat. I have never gone to a church pot luck to spend time with my church family, I go to eat. If there was no food, I would not be drawn to go. Junk Food comes before people! And the years of struggle proves that I don't put God first either. (A Turkey dinner, for example, is all about people. I attend these meals to be with others because I'm not in love with normal healthy food. I don't yearn for turkey, roast beef, etc. It's Junk Food that I think about.)

I feel like God is saying that "it's time" to overcome. I have joined Weight Watchers so I have to be accountable to someone. The WW program does not work well for Junk Food eaters because Junk does not satisfy and it costs too much in WW Points. So continuing with Junk will leave me feeling hungry all the time (a spiritual picture also). For anyone who is able to eat good healthy food, following WW will leave you satisfied (unlike other diets).

My ultimate goal is to fall out of love with Junk, and in love with Christ.

This is my desire, to honor You.
Lord with all my heart
I worship You

Lord, I give you my heart
I give you my soul
I live for you alone
Every breath that I take
every moment I'm awake
Lord have Your way in me.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Woman's Revelation

Mark 14:3-6
While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, "Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor." And they rebuked her harshly. "Leave her alone," said Jesus. "Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.

This woman had a revelation that I believe has been lost in the church of today.

There is so much preaching about giving to receive, that we rarely see people give extravagantly without calculating the return. I don't think this woman gave a years worth of wages because she was expecting to reap more than what she gave. This woman had already received!! I believe she was giving all she had out of a thankful, worshipful heart.

What's a years worth of wages in comparison to the Cross? What's a years worth of wages in comparison to the Father's First Born Son? What's a years worth of wages in comparison to the Gift of Life?

The Father Gave everything He had because He Loves Us. His Love for us cost Him everything.
This woman knew she had received the greatest gift ever given to earth- Jesus. Out of that revelation, out of that truth, she gave. She loved Him back, with everything she had.