Friday, December 16, 2011

The Greatest Gift Ever Given was Jesus

December 16th, 2011 
Written for the Grade 3-4-5 Class
By Bev Allen

How many of you know what the Law is? The law keeps us safe. It’s against the law to drive without wearing your seat belt, and that law exists to keep you safe. It’s against the law to drink and drive, and that law exists to keep people safe. We can choose to follow the law or break it.

How many of you know there is a penalty for breaking the law? The penalty for breaking some laws is a fine. How many of you have heard of the “death penalty”? The death penalty does not exist in Canada, but it still exists in other parts of the world. In some Countries, if you are caught stealing they cut your hand off! That does not exist in Canada either.

There is another Law, God’s Law. And it existed for the same reason- to keep people safe from harm.

God created people to have a relationship with them. He didn’t have to create us, but because of His Love, He did. And He gave us a Law to keep us safe from harm. Adam & Eve were the first two to break God’s Law, and every person who was born after them broke God’s law too.

Remember we talked about a penalty for breaking the law? Well, there is a penalty for breaking God’s Law too. The penalty is death and being separated from Him for eternity. Adam and Eve and every person born after them owed this debt, leaving the Father separated from His Children forever.
The Father, who loves us very much didn’t want to be separated from us. His Heart broke at the thought. This is what He did:

He sent His very own Son to this world as a baby. Jesus lived 33 years on earth without breaking God’s Law. He was the first human to do this. At the end of His life on earth, Jesus didn’t owe a debt. But He choose to pay a debt… Your debt. My debt. He died in our place. He paid our death sentence. Now we don’t owe anything so we can have a relationship with the Father and spend eternity with Him!

Jesus Christ is the Greatest Gift we have EVER received. And that’s what Christmas is all about.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Born Again

What does it mean when someone says they are "Born Again"?

Eph 4:22-24 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Abraham and Sarah received new names- new identities. They also lived a new life till the day they died.

We may not all receive new names while on earth, but we can receive new identities and live a new life.

Someone asked "when were the disciples born again?" I believe it happened when Jesus told them to drop everything and follow Him and so they did. At first it seemed Judas had dropped everything, but in time it was exposed that he did not drop his love for money. Judas' love for money was more than his love for Jesus. The others made mistakes along the way but in time their devotion to Jesus was proven.

Jesus is still calling out today...

Mat 16:24b ... "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how.

The choice is yours.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glory vs Religion

Here's a quote by Bob Sorge:

"The Truth is that God's Glory is disruptive. It's untamed, uncontrollable, unstoppable, and dangerously all-consuming. It destroys agendas, calendars, service orders, song-lists, and carefully devised plans. It frustrates, exposes, confounds, and renders powerless the controlling mechanisms of church leaders. Glory is dangerous and revolutionary. It's explosive, undomesticated, volatile, divisive, and invasive. Glory smashes in like a tidal wave, washing away the safety nets and lines of familiarity that have helped us feel secure. The clock might help to establish when the meeting starts, but it's useless in determining when the meeting might stop. Buildings become overcrowded, restrooms can hardly be kept clean, children seem to be everywhere, critics abound, and the neighbors complain."

Come Holy Spirit!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

True Faith Grows into a personal relationship, Always!

Mat 13:31-32
(Jesus) said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone planted in a field.
It's one of the smallest seeds. However, when it has grown, it is taller than the garden plants. It becomes a tree that is large enough for birds to nest in its branches."

What is Faith?

Heb 11:1 Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.

The Father will cause a small amount of faith to grow and grow.

What does a growing faith look like?

A small amount of faith will grow into a personal relationship with the Father. That's why new Christians start reading the bible and studying it; their new belief is causing them to desire to know more. They start going to church because again, they want to know Him more. They start doing different things because their philosophies about life and the world are being changed as they get to know what He thinks about stuff. In this relationship, Our Father is revealing His Heart to us and causing our hearts to look more like His.

* A personal relationship is not knowing about Him, it's knowing Him.

True faith leads to a personal relationship, always. A relationship with us was His desire when He created the world. A relationship with each of us was His desire when He sent His Son. The Father wants us to know Him, and He wants to know us more than anything else. Everything was done for this reason!

Has your faith grown? Has your belief in Jesus caused you to get to know Him?


Mat 7:21-23 (MSG)
(Jesus speaking) Knowing the correct password--saying 'Master, Master,' for instance--isn't going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience--doing what my Father wills. I can see it now--at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.' And do you know what I am going to say? 'You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don't impress me one bit. You're out of here.'

Another translation says it like this:

Mat 7:23(GW)
Then I will tell them publicly, 'I've never known you. Get away from me, you evil people.'

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How much Faith is enough?

Joh 3:16
(GW) God loved the world this way: He gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.

We can't know what's truly in the heart of another man. Christians are warned not to judge another because we're not equipped to do it right. The only heart we are able to look at is our own, and even then we can be deceived! Be warned though; Our Father will judge every heart. He's not against Judgment; He is the perfect Judge.

God is able to judge the hearts of man, and He doesn't make any mistakes. When He looks at our hearts He will see a seed of faith in it or not. We may be able to hide and deceive each other, and maybe even ourselves, but we can't hide the truth from the Father. Eternal life will only be granted to those who believe in His Son.

So how much faith is enough?

The Father will find faith in the heart or He won't. It's black and white. A little tiny, iddy biddy, amount is some. The Bible says a mustard seed amount is enough.

Mat 13:31-32
(Jesus) said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone planted in a field.
It's one of the smallest seeds. However, when it has grown, it is taller than the garden plants. It becomes a tree that is large enough for birds to nest in its branches."

A little about this "seed of faith".....

Parable of the Sower
Mat 13:3-8

(Jesus) said, "Listen! A farmer went to plant seed.
Some seeds were planted along the road, and birds came and devoured them. Other seeds were planted on rocky ground, where there was little soil. The plants sprouted quickly because the soil wasn't deep. But when the sun came up, they were scorched. They withered because their roots weren't deep enough. Other seeds were planted among thornbushes, and the thornbushes grew up and choked them. But other seeds were planted on good ground and produced grain. They produced one hundred, sixty, or thirty times as much as was planted.

Parable of the Sower Explained
Mat 13:18-23
"Listen to what the story about the farmer means.
Someone hears the word about the kingdom but doesn't understand it. The evil one comes at once and snatches away what was planted in him. This is what the seed planted along the road illustrates. The seed planted on rocky ground is the person who hears the word and accepts it at once with joy. Since he doesn't have any root, he lasts only a little while. When suffering or persecution comes along because of the word, he immediately falls from faith. The seed planted among thornbushes is another person who hears the word. But the worries of life and the deceitful pleasures of riches choke the word so that it can't produce anything. But the seed planted on good ground is the person who hears and understands the word. This type produces crops. They produce one hundred, sixty, or thirty times as much as was planted."

Parable of the Field
Mat 13:24-30
Jesus used another illustration. He said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who planted good seed in his field. But while people were asleep, his enemy planted weeds in the wheat field and went away. When the wheat came up and formed kernels, weeds appeared. "The owner's workers came to him and asked, 'Sir, didn't you plant good seed in your field? Where did the weeds come from?' "He told them, 'An enemy did this.' "His workers asked him, 'Do you want us to pull out the weeds?' "He replied, 'No. If you pull out the weeds, you may pull out the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. When the grain is cut, I will tell the workers to gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles to be burned. But I'll have them bring the wheat into my barn.'"

Parable of the Field Explained
Mat 13:36-43
When Jesus had sent the people away, he went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, "Explain what the illustration of the weeds in the field means."
He answered, "The one who plants the good seeds is the Son of Man. The field is the world. The good seeds are those who belong to the kingdom. The weeds are those who belong to the evil one. The enemy who planted them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world. The workers are angels. Just as weeds are gathered and burned, so it will be at the end of time. The Son of Man will send his angels. They will gather everything in his kingdom that causes people to sin and everyone who does evil. The angels will throw them into a blazing furnace. People will cry and be in extreme pain there. Then the people who have God's approval will shine like the sun in their Father's kingdom. Let the person who has ears listen!

There Will Be a Judgment Day!
Mat 13:47- 50
"Also, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea. It gathered all kinds of fish.
When it was full, they pulled it to the shore. Then they sat down, gathered the good fish into containers, and threw the bad ones away. The same thing will happen at the end of time. The angels will go out and separate the evil people from people who have God's approval. Then the angels will throw the evil people into a blazing furnace. They will cry and be in extreme pain there.

Have your heart ready for that day. Everyone who seeks Him will Find Him. Everyone? YES, EVERYONE!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

There is nothing more beautiful than an expression of Grace and Mercy. This is something every sinner knows. We've stood before God with our failure exposed, but He received us into His arms anyway. We fell short, and He responded with Love.

Luk 7:47 So I tell you this. Her many sins have been forgiven. She has loved a lot. But the one who has been forgiven little loves only a little."

We're going to encounter many sinners in the world. Just remember, you are one too. ♥