Friday, December 16, 2011

The Greatest Gift Ever Given was Jesus

December 16th, 2011 
Written for the Grade 3-4-5 Class
By Bev Allen

How many of you know what the Law is? The law keeps us safe. It’s against the law to drive without wearing your seat belt, and that law exists to keep you safe. It’s against the law to drink and drive, and that law exists to keep people safe. We can choose to follow the law or break it.

How many of you know there is a penalty for breaking the law? The penalty for breaking some laws is a fine. How many of you have heard of the “death penalty”? The death penalty does not exist in Canada, but it still exists in other parts of the world. In some Countries, if you are caught stealing they cut your hand off! That does not exist in Canada either.

There is another Law, God’s Law. And it existed for the same reason- to keep people safe from harm.

God created people to have a relationship with them. He didn’t have to create us, but because of His Love, He did. And He gave us a Law to keep us safe from harm. Adam & Eve were the first two to break God’s Law, and every person who was born after them broke God’s law too.

Remember we talked about a penalty for breaking the law? Well, there is a penalty for breaking God’s Law too. The penalty is death and being separated from Him for eternity. Adam and Eve and every person born after them owed this debt, leaving the Father separated from His Children forever.
The Father, who loves us very much didn’t want to be separated from us. His Heart broke at the thought. This is what He did:

He sent His very own Son to this world as a baby. Jesus lived 33 years on earth without breaking God’s Law. He was the first human to do this. At the end of His life on earth, Jesus didn’t owe a debt. But He choose to pay a debt… Your debt. My debt. He died in our place. He paid our death sentence. Now we don’t owe anything so we can have a relationship with the Father and spend eternity with Him!

Jesus Christ is the Greatest Gift we have EVER received. And that’s what Christmas is all about.